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Veterans Benefits

Veterans Benefits Resource Center Overview

Welcome to our Veterans Benefits Resource Center. These pages will help you identify and apply for any benefits that may be available to you or your family.

The DVA provides a wide range of benefits, however the eligibility requirements and application process can be confusing. These pages are a distillation of over twenty years of experience helping Veterans with literally every kind of issue that affects their relationship with the DVA.

Our Resource Center explains the eligibility requirements for the various veterans benefits, how to apply for them, and how to get more information. Wherever possible you will find links to the actual laws and regulations governing the benefits. We hope that you will find them useful, and we'll appreciate any feedback from the Veteran community on how to make them better. Please use our contact page to suggest improvements.

Benefits Available to Veterans

The Department of Veteran Affairs Booklet provides a comprehensive listing of the programs and benefits available to Veterans and their families. We strongly recommend you download a copy, or that you visit your nearest DVA facility and pick up a hard copy.

The Department of Veterans Affairs can provide:

The Veterans Administration provides a variety of programs that assist the family members of veterans. Click here to view our Survivors and Dependents page.

In addition, some states provide additional benefits, such as property tax reductions, educational benefits and reduced fees for various licenses. Click on the links above, or use the links in the menu to the right to explore the benefits that may be available to you, and their restrictions.

Getting personal help and advice

The VOC is standing by to provide you with personal assistance and advice about your veterans benefits. We are staffed by veterans and veteran family members with experience in helping veterans get benefits they deserve. If there is anything we can do for you, please call us at (315) 765-0975.

Quick Links to Resources

Please use the quick links below to find the information you are looking for on NVF.org

Please help support our local community, and those who have served and continue to serve our country.

Our Partners

(315) 765-0975
(315) 601-4662